
What are 3 Things That Can Help with Your Skincare?

What are 3 Things That Can Help with Your Skincare?

In addition to a skincare routine that we stick to daily, there are certain factors that will determine the appearance and health of our skin. Keep on reading to find out some of them. 

Eat clean

Having a balanced diet is necessary for good care and beauty of our skin.

Sometimes we are not aware of the impact and influence that food has on our health. Our skin is the largest organ that our body has and therefore it is also affected if we are not eating healthy.

Some nutrition experts have indicated that the intake of slow-absorbing carbohydrates directly affects the collagen in our skin, while protein gives us support and firmness.

In addition, foods with a high glycemic index (rich in free sugar content) often cause an increase in blood sugar and cause acne-prone skin or breakouts. Among these, products containing lactose also stand out.

It is important to avoid foods that are processed, dairy, high in sugar, sodium, saturated fat, or those that are rich in slow-absorbing carbs. Instead, it is recommended to eat fresh fruits and vegetables such as oranges that contain beta-carotene, olive oil (rich in hydroxytyrosol), grapes and blueberries (with resveratrol) and teas with antioxidant properties such as green tea.

Additionally it is necessary to drink plenty of water, two liters a day, along with a complete skin care routine that includes exfoliation - to remove dead cells -, hydration, moisturizing and sunscreen.


Get your beauty sleep

Keep in mind that the lack of sleep reduces the amount of time your skin has to repair itself, which can affect its appearance.

Skin cells regenerate faster at night. Collagen, the protein responsible for helping skin maintain its volume and elasticity, is produced as skin cells regenerate.

Therefore, more blood flows to the skin during our beauty sleep, providing the nutrients it needs to recover from a day of exposure to the elements around us.

Remember to gently wash your face every night to avoid irritating your skin. Use a gentle, non-abrasive cleanser to remove all of the day's built-up dirt, makeup, and excess oil.

Keep stress levels in check 

If you are constantly under stress or pressure this will cause your stress and hormone levels to go up, causing unwanted breakouts. Our nervous system and skin are intimately linked.

Our skin visibly expresses all our feelings or moods, and when we have anxiety, stress or a low mood, a greater production of cortisol and adrenaline is generated, which, in turn, will affect the production of estrogens and testosterone, which will cause different types of alterations in our skin such as acne outbreaks, psychogenic nettle rash that causes the need to scratch, hair loss, dandruff / increased fat / itching on the scalp, excessive sweating, flushing or redness of the skin and can also cause the worsening of other existing diseases (cold sores, psoriasis, eczema, dermatitis, etc.).

It is important to prioritize our mental health and keep our levels of stress, nervousness and anxiety checked. In this way we are not only going to live more relaxed, but it is important to have peace, feel good about ourselves and live in a healthy way.

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